Generative Art Backdrops

The front page is periodically updated with a fresh generative art backdrop. Presented below is an archive of the previous backdrops displayed on this site.

But, wait, what is Generative Art?
A simplistic definition would be that generative art is the creation of art via code. In the context of this website, it is the drawing of visuals on the screen through the use of coded instructions. The computer starts with a blank canvas and paints the picture via a combination of rules, instructions, and data. Since it is drawn in real-time, it allows the visual to be interactive and randomised via the adjustment of the parameters and data provided to the code.

The backdrops presented on this page are generated within the website, and often make use of randomness which results in unique artworks being generated on each visit. The majority of backdrops react to user interactions such as the position of the cursor, hovering over links on the page and clicking on the backdrop itself, so feel free to get interactive and play around.


#2 Aquatic Pincushion

Warning, my attempt at 'artspeak': A pulsing pincushion of vibrant colour experiencing underwater currents. Inspired by the natural beauty of coral reefs.


#1 Windy Day

A grid of vectors resembeling wind weather patterns typically displayed over maps. The direction and magnitude of the vectors are constantly changing in a natural manner just like shifting breezes across a field of long grass.



A shifting maze structure generated around a block-lettered title. Displayed as the backdrop to the "Page Not Found" page of the website.
